Awards & responsibilities
Awards and recognitions are the token of love that are just to make you more responsible and mature.
Awards & Appreciation
​Academic ​
Art of Science Award- WICTRE, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (2023).
Best Paper Award- Institution of Engineers India (I.E.I.) & N.I.T. Rourkela (2021).
Best Paper Award- S.I.T. Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand (2017).
Guide Teacher appreciation- Uttarakhand Council of Science & Technology & NCSC (2011).
State Science Excellence Award- Uttarakhand Council of Science & Technology (2010).
Dua Special Award- U.G.C. Nainital, Uttarakhand (2010).
Child Scientist Award- Uttarakhand Council of Science & Technology (2009 & 2010).
Cultural Person of the Year- "House of Titans" Hostel-13, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (2023).
NSS "C" certificate- National Service Scheme (N.S.S.), India (2015).
Star Volunteer Award- National Service Scheme (N.S.S.), G.P. Kashipur Unit (2014).
Governor's Award- Bharat Scouts & Guides, Uttarakhand state unit (2011).
Best Speaker Award- National Cadet Corps (N.C.C.), 78, UK BN Haldwani (2009).
NCC"C" certificate- National Cadet Corps (N.C.C.), India (2011).
​Academic ​
Student coordinator- 4 days 3rd International Conference on Water Technologies, IIT Bombay (2023).
Student coordinator- 2 days 2nd International Conference on Water Technologies, IIT Bombay (2022).
Editor- Biochemica Genesis, a bi-annual departmental newsletter, BTKIT, Dwarahat (2017-18).
Associate Editor- Biochemica Genesis, a bi-annual departmental newsletter, BTKIT, Dwarahat (2016-17).
Coordinator- BETA, departmental technical society, BTKIT, Dwarahat (2017-18).
Student coordinator- 3 days National workshop on Biotechnology, BTKIT, Dwarahat (2018).
Resource person- 15 days "Green Skill Building Program", GBPNIHE, Almora (2019).
Hostel Cultural Councilor- "House of Titans" H-13, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (2023-24).
Hostel Cultural Secretory- "House of Titans" H-13, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (2022-23).
Organizing committee head- Scintilla-2018; Annual cultural fest, BTKIT, Dwarahat.
Cultural committee head- GBPNIHE Almora (2018).
Head Coordinator- Conscientia-2018; annual IPR fest, BTKIT, Dwarahat.
Head Coordinator- Biome-2018; departmental tech fest, BTKIT Dwarahat.
Mess Manager- Arawali mess; BTKIT Dwarahat (2017-18).
Troop leader- NSS, GP Kashipur Unit (2013-14).
Troop leader- BS&G, UHIC Kashipur division (2006-2011).